October 28, 2011


Sorry for disappearing, I had to go to Germany with a bunch of vultures and spend couple of days locked in a room talking about useless stuff... God and it was VERY cold in Germany, even colder than London that is one of the coldest places I know!

Back here I was overwhelmed with A LOT of work...

We have managed to block quite a few hotels and B&B for Silvia and Daniele's wedding, what we really need to do now is to put the document together and send it over to the guests so they can start booking flights and hotels.

We didn't have luck with the sample boxes we ordered from China, they don't look as Silvia wants so we're working on it now to find what she wants exactly.

We closed the deal with the Sanctum Soho for the Christmas party and I will try to get this young girl involved to help me out as she just moved to London and has no idea of what she's doing and is the daughter of some family friends.

On Wednesday I went for dinner to Dragoncello, this amazing little restaurant I did the PR for when it opened last year. The place is spectacular and the food is absolutely to die for. The chef sent a lot of stuff to the table, gnocchi, fried calamari and courgettes with homemade lemon mayo, rolls of courgettes, mozzarella and tomato sauce, burrata from Andria... OMG we could barely walk when we left! And Tobia, the owner who's also a great friend, left with us in the car so we had a lot of fun...
Everyone should go to Dragoncello at least once in their lifetime... it's truly amazing (http://www.dragoncello.co.uk/)

Anyway, this weekend I am going to buy the Birthday present for Francesco so I can give it to him when he gets back from China next month. I miss him terribly, he'll leave tomorrow and I already know I'll barely speak to him and that kills me... I just have to stay strong and deal with it I guess...

I am also going to start his Christmas present this weekend, that requires a lot of work and is gonna take a while before I manage to complete it...

On a completely different subject, I am really angry...
We have got a new intern at the office, he works with this guy I never liked and with which I also had a major argument before summer. He's a very awful and despicable human being, he treats his intern in a way nobody should be treated.
He should show a little respect for a person that works hard and is trying to learn something, you should always show respect to people working...

October 21, 2011


Yesterday I worked till 11PM... I left the office and had to put together a budget quote for one of my clients... Hopefully we'll confirm the date by today so we can book the location... It gets really busy in Central London with all the Xmas Parties. Then I had Silvia over for dinner, she likes the pdf that is starting to look awesome and we're planning to send it around the end of November so people can start booking all flights and hotels... It's all so exciting except for the fact that this morning I am riding tube+train to work. I seriously don't know how people cope with this on a daily basis and I don't get why people don't shower in the morning... How can you wake up if you don't shower??? I'll never understand this country, is really awful that people smell so bad, especially when you're forcef to be next to them...

October 19, 2011


I know, you're not supposed to write it until is actually Friday but this week is being so shitty that even getting to Wednesday is a massive achievement....
I have decided to take up studying Mandarin, apparently it will be the most influential language by 2015 and honestly, I think it's really necessary to start getting ready... So I have called this lady that, from next week, will see me once/twice a week according to my availability and will teach me how to speak Chinese... Man that is a challenge!!!

Anyway! Today Silvia and Daniele sent the 'Save the Date', so exciting! And tonight I am going to see Silvia to work on a few new things she has found while in Orvieto last weekend.
I can't wait for December to arrive so I can go to Orvieto and see all the locations, talk to the florist, meet the catering people... Working with Italy from abroad is really complicated as they rarely get back to your emails...I have been chasing the transfer company for over a month now...

And also, I have to plan a small corporate Christmas Party, limited budget this year due to the crunch but I am sure we'll manage something nice and fun for my little crowd of Italian bankers!
I love Christmas parties even I dislike Christmas as a holiday... although I have to say, since Francesco likes Christmas, I am starting to like it as well. I like the athmosphere, maybe because I get to go home for so long and spend time cuddling with my relatives, and children, my awesome Grandma...

But back to the real world AKA now, this week is being really awful and I am just waiting for it to be over.... and Saturday I'll go home! I CANNOT wait!!! xx

October 17, 2011

'Morning Monday...

Another beautiful sunny day in London, but this morning I am stuck in the office under a lot of work I really don't wanna deal with....
First thing I do when I get to the office in the morning is to make myself a breakfast and, while drinking my coffee, see what's happening in the world.
I read La Repubblica, Il Mattino, Daily Mail, NY Times, The Times and The Guardian. Online of course, I love reading paper magazines but I can't deal with the papers.

I was reading this morning about what happened in Rome on Saturday. It's really sad, we belong to a generation that somehow is not even able to make their point.
We should be able to run a protest the best possible way, we have all the technlogy we can think of, we can communicate with anyone in the world, anywhere, from everywhere. And we fail to do something our parents managed to do so well without any of these.

Yesterday Rome woke up like a war city. They call themselves 'black bloc' but do you really believe the organizers of this big protest didn't know they existed? I knew they existed and I am absolutely out of this world. I have never been to a protest, I have never been involved in any of these things, but I knew exactly who the blackblock are and I imagined they would be there...

Anyway, the rest of the world managed to protest in a very civilized way and certainly they made their point, peacefully.

As usual in Italy we are not even able to make our point, not even when it's so obvious!

I will go back under my pile of work-to-do and hopefully back around lunchtime... xx

October 16, 2011

Busy busy weekend!

It might be because it's really been the first weekend in town by myself in a while without having to work but seriously, I have so many things to do!!!!
From glam stuff such as going to a gallery, shopping for a new pair of boots or wandering around King's Road to less glam stuff such as cleaning the kitchen properly - the way no cleaner does - and ironing a mountain of clothes, still the weekedn should last more than a mere 2 days :(

Anyway, the weather is amazing, yesterday I went looking for a present for my boyfriend whose birthday is coming up and I have no idea what to get him... why is it always so difficult to get something for a guy while for gilrs the possibilities are endless!!!!

I managed to finish the document for Silvia and it came out REALLY nice, I only have to get the pictures from her and is ready to go! I am so happy when I manage to get the bridal stuff done over the weekend! 

Now it's another beautiful sunny day in London, boots hunting continues and a stroll at the Saatchi it's a must!

Have a lovely Sunday :)

October 14, 2011

T.G.I.F. !!!

Finally is friday! I am so looking forward to this weekend!
Tonight there's a very interesting exhibition at the Italian Institute if Culture in Belgrave Square where they're presenting 12 pictures of Italins living in London and a friend if mine's been shortlisted :)

This weekend I am going to structure a document for Daniele and Silvia that we'll be sending in a month or so.
Because we have a lot of people coming from London, and not everyone's Italian, I will put together a little memo with all the information about the wedding, how to get there, where to stay, etc.
But because we like things to be done the right way, we won't be handing over a word doc but a nice pdf with images, maps, etc. It's going to be very nice :)

It's a beautiful sunny day in London today, hopefully it'll stay over the weekend!! Xx

October 13, 2011

Underwater weddings?

This summer while on holiday in Hawaii with my other half there was a lot of promotion for "scuba weddings".

I like the idea of original weddings, it's nice to 'wed outside the box' but personally I don't think I would enjoy an underwater wedding... My scuba mask always gets really foggy and my boyfriend's too because we both have bad noses. I don't think we could get married without looking at each other :)
You might end up marrying the wrong person!!!

Anyway... This morning I'm going to sort out the final guestlist for the wedding of Daniele and Silvia so we can go ahead with the save the date! We need to get going because, despite the fact that the wedding is still 8 months away, we have people coming from everywhere so we need to get everything well organized in advance :)

All smooth for now... Xx

October 12, 2011

Who am I?

Well, first of all let me introduce myself... My name is Dalila, I am 25yo and I am a PR but mainly, I am an event planner, problem solver and a sourcer.
I am pretty confident you all know what a PR and an event planner are but I am under the impression you're sitting there, scratching your head thinking "what the hell is a sourcer?!?!"
Well, not surprised: a sourcer is someone that finds stuff you need. From a dress, to a pair of boots, to a flight at a cheap rate, to a corporate rate in an hotel, etc. You name it, I'll find it.
I thought honestly this wouldn't be of any use when I was following the courses at uni but after all, it turned out to be the most useful skill I have.

Anyway, back to me, when I was a child I wanted to be a doctor, then I grew up and decided I wanted to be a designer: so I went to Central Saint Martins. After two years I realized that I was actually more interested in what pushed the clothes in your closets more than the clothes itself, so I went into PR and specialized in this weird sourcing/problem solving thing and event planning and management.
With my funny face I also teach to seminaries, my kids kinda like me as I make them do 'the real thing' but I mean, how are you supposed to learn how to plan an event if you don't plan it?? Books are almost pointless in my field...
But anyway, I think you're wondering why I am writing a blog now: well, I think it's time to think outside the box, do something different, keep a virtual diary of my days planning and scouting and solving...
To give you an idea of what I do and for you to get in touch if interested.... And remember, if you have never planned a wedding, you don't wanna start with your own...

Ciao :D