October 12, 2011

Who am I?

Well, first of all let me introduce myself... My name is Dalila, I am 25yo and I am a PR but mainly, I am an event planner, problem solver and a sourcer.
I am pretty confident you all know what a PR and an event planner are but I am under the impression you're sitting there, scratching your head thinking "what the hell is a sourcer?!?!"
Well, not surprised: a sourcer is someone that finds stuff you need. From a dress, to a pair of boots, to a flight at a cheap rate, to a corporate rate in an hotel, etc. You name it, I'll find it.
I thought honestly this wouldn't be of any use when I was following the courses at uni but after all, it turned out to be the most useful skill I have.

Anyway, back to me, when I was a child I wanted to be a doctor, then I grew up and decided I wanted to be a designer: so I went to Central Saint Martins. After two years I realized that I was actually more interested in what pushed the clothes in your closets more than the clothes itself, so I went into PR and specialized in this weird sourcing/problem solving thing and event planning and management.
With my funny face I also teach to seminaries, my kids kinda like me as I make them do 'the real thing' but I mean, how are you supposed to learn how to plan an event if you don't plan it?? Books are almost pointless in my field...
But anyway, I think you're wondering why I am writing a blog now: well, I think it's time to think outside the box, do something different, keep a virtual diary of my days planning and scouting and solving...
To give you an idea of what I do and for you to get in touch if interested.... And remember, if you have never planned a wedding, you don't wanna start with your own...

Ciao :D

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